Hi, this is my AS Media blog. It contains research and planning for my coursework production (slasher opening) and media exam. I'm in a group with Kate and Poppy. The working title of our production is Camp Ivy. Our production is strongly influenced by films such as Friday the 13th, and its set in a rural location like in Eden Lake.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Microdrama shoot

On the day that we shot our microdrama, we did come across a few problems. One of the main problems was that the day we decided to film was fairly windy, so we did get quite a lot of background noise. The second problem we had was that as we had decided to film in the daytime, and edit the microdrama so it looked like it had taken place in the dark, there were quite a lot of people in the park and a few times we had to stop filming to let people past.
The next problem we encountered was that the camera ran out of battery, and we had to use Hannahs iPhone to film the last few parts of the footage. Fortunately the iPhone camera was HD so the change in quality wasn't a problem, but we did struggle slightly during the editing process as we filmed with the camera in landscape and the iPhone on portrait.
Overall, I think that the shoot went fairly well considering the problems that we had, and I think this was down to careful planning.

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