Hi, this is my AS Media blog. It contains research and planning for my coursework production (slasher opening) and media exam. I'm in a group with Kate and Poppy. The working title of our production is Camp Ivy. Our production is strongly influenced by films such as Friday the 13th, and its set in a rural location like in Eden Lake.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

SlasherEG3: Black Christmas

Black Christmas, Bob Clark (1974)
Directed by: Bob Clark
Budget: $686k
Total Gross: $4m
Run Time: 98 min
Production Companies: Film Funding Ltd. of CanadaVision IVCanadian Film Development Corporation
Distributors: Ambassador Film DistributorsWarner Bros (Click HERE to see a full list

Killing Scene: 40:11

 The first thing we see is the woman climbing up the ladder to the attic. The music is long drawn out piano notes which builds up the tension.
The next shot is a point of view from the killers perspective of the woman getting stuck in the entrance. This is signifying to the audience that the woman is being stalked.The music is increasing in tempo, showing that a killing is about to happen.

The next two shots are a close up of the woman squinting in the dark looking for something, then the woman seeing a dead body. The camera zooms in on the dead body and then goes back to a close up of the womans face reacting.

close up of woman seeing dead body
camera zooms in on the dead body
This show is another point of view shot from the killers perspective, but this time he is holding the weapon and aiming for the woman. The next few shots use fast paced editing so we dont actually see all of the killing.

 Then we see a shot from the perspective of the victim. She sees the killers hands and the weapon. The shots are very quickly edited and we only see each shot for a second before the next shot is shown.

We see a shot of the woman screaming as the weapon is thrown towards her.

 The next shot is from the bottom of the ladder, and all we see is the woman being dragged up into the attic whilst screaming. Loud high pitched string music is played all throughout the killing scene.

The next shot is a scene change to a man knocking on the door, and we dont see the body of the woman.

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