Hi, this is my AS Media blog. It contains research and planning for my coursework production (slasher opening) and media exam. I'm in a group with Kate and Poppy. The working title of our production is Camp Ivy. Our production is strongly influenced by films such as Friday the 13th, and its set in a rural location like in Eden Lake.

Monday, 4 March 2013

PP - Fake Blood

For our shoot Millie made fake blood for us to use in our killing scene to make it look more realistic. It was easy to make and looked quite effective on the shoot.

Here is the recipe we used to make it:

  • cocoa powder (to make it darker in colour)
  • corn flour
  • red food colouring
  • water

Its a really simple way of making fake blood and saved us some expense on the shoot as well, we also discovered that a little bit of it goes a long way and it looked really effective against the scream queens white top. 

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